Max Factor Smooth Effect Foundation Review

Sunday 27 January 2013

Hello everyone! I'm back! I hope everyone's exams went well. I've got a quick review for you on a  foundation I've been using for a while but I've never actually expressed my thoughts about it. I've been using the Max Factor Smooth Effect Foundation since the summer of 2012 and i have to say that it's a very good foundation!

I use the shade number 40- porcelain which is the lightest shade they do. It looks quite dark and slightly orange in the tube but once it's buffed in, it matches my skin perfectly.
I love the feel of this foundation, it's lightweight and has medium, yet build-able coverage.
It's oil free and suitable for sensitive skin which ticks all the boxes for me! I find this foundation doesn't make you look like a cake face and it also doesn't emphasize pores, which i hate. It lasts for around a good 6-7 hours but i always set my foundation with powder because i prefer a matte finish on my skin.  It costs £7.99 from Boots.

Have you tried this foundation?

Taking a break!

Monday 7 January 2013

Hello everyone! This is just a quick message to let you all know that i'm going to be taking a break from blogging for a while because i have exams coming up and i need them to be my main priority. I will resume blogging at the end of the month. If any of you have exams coming up i wish you all the best of luck, don't get too stressed and remember to always try your best.
 See you soon!

December Favourites

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Hello everyone! December is over and i have some products that i've been loving over the past month. I didn't make a november favourites post because there weren't any products that really stood out to me. Anyway onto the products.

(L-R) Batiste Dry Shampoo- Tropical, Charles Worthington Front Row Heat Defence Spritiz, MUA Undressed palette, Benefit Posie Tint, MUA E3 blending brush, Fearne Cotton nail polish- Night Owl, Cranberry Sparks

Batiste Dry Shampoo
I love this product! It's a staple for me in my hair care routine. It smells amazing, if you like coconut scents, then you'll love this. It not only gets rid of grease in my hair but also adds volume and texture. It can be purchased from Boots for £3 (roughly) but you can get it pretty much anywhere. I don't know what i'd do without it!

Charles Worthington Front Row Heat Defence Spritz (such a long name)
This is a very good heat defense spray. If i'm using heated hair tools i always use a heat defence product. This one smells nice, it makes my hair feel so soft and provides some hold to my style. It costs £5.49 from Boots.

(L-R) Batiste Dry Shampoo, Charles Worthington Heat Defence Spritz (i'm not typing that huge name again)
Benefit Posie Tint
I've mentioned this product previously in my Winterlicious Tag. I've been reaching for this lip product all month. It gives a really pretty flush of colour to my face. I can see myself using this for a very long time.

MUA E3 blending brush
MUA have recently released a range of affordable makeup brushes. I wanted to give one a  go, so i brought the blending brush. I believe it costs £1.95 (i'm not completely sure, so don't quote me on that one) on the MUA website. It does feel slightly scratchy at first but after a couple of washes it feels very soft. It blends eyeshadow nicely and is pretty good quality at a very affordable price. I'm yet to try any other brushes but i might buy some more in the future.
MUA Undressed palette
This is my go to neutral eyeshadow palette at the moment. The eyeshadows are very pigmented, not chalky, although the shimmery eyeshadows seem to be slightly more crumbly than the matte shadows and they last for a fairly long time aswell but i'd recommened always priming your eyelids beforehand. For £4 the quality is amazing! I can definately see myself continuing to use this palette for many more months to come. It has been compared to the Urban Decay Naked palette and i can definately see the similarities, so if you want a cheaper alternative, then give this one a go.
The packaging is slim, compact and fairly sturdy.
I love the shades (L-R) 1, 2, 5 and 7. I've been using them constantly!
Fearne Cotton nail polish- Night Owl and Cranberry Sparks
I recieved these polishes in a gift set for christmas. I've been wearing them religiously ever since i got them. Even though i haven't had them very long, they are definately favourites in my eyes.
Night Owl is a black polish with blue, green and gold glitter. It's a great alternative to the plain old black polish.
Cranberry Sparks is a purple/berry nail polish with gold and pink glitter. It's such a pretty colour and the perfect shade for winter.
What are your december favourites?

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