The Reading Corner: Confessions of a New York Taxi Driver

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Hello everyone! Firstly, I would like to make a massive apology for being MIA for a long time but university got very busy very quickly. I've barely had time to myself these past couple of months let alone being able to sit down and write a blog post! Since I've been gone for a while I feel a bit rusty. A few blog posts will sort that out! Anyway, I better get started on the actual post because I'm rambling.
 I thought I'd ease myself back into blogging with a nice, easy post telling you about a book I've loved recently. It's called Confessions of a New York Taxi Driver.

I'm still getting to grips with my new camera so the pictures may not be the best quality. But it's not about how it looks it's about what it's like. 
I have loved reading this book, I loved the first book I read from the "confessions of" series which was Confessions of a GP (review here ). This is definately a light-hearted and easy read, if you want a book that is going to make you laugh I highly recommend picking it up. I was giggling from the first chapter because of Eugene's honest and down-to-earth style of writing. 
 He's not only funny but very insightful and has a somewhat philosophical outlook on life which I really admire. 
 It's a series of stories about Eugene's memorable cab rides in the Big Apple, from picking up celebrities to the perfect way to hale a cab (when I visit New York one day I'm going to test it for myself). The way he tells his stories is lovely, you feel like your on a long cab drive and he's telling you all his stories and you don't have to pay a fair at the end of it! 
It's a witty, heart-warming book that anyone will enjoy, my mom read it too and she loved it!
If you love the "confessions of" series then you will love this book, even if you haven't read any of the books from the series this is a great one to start with. 
Next time you're browsing through amazon put this on your wishlist.

 Which is your favourite book from the "confessions of" series?
Thank you for stopping by!
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