Mini Festive Lush Haul

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Hello everyone! I hope you're all having a wonderful festive season. I love Christmas, it's my favourite time of year. It's also the time when Lush starts to bring out its cute Christmas goodies and of course I had to buy some.

 (L-R: So White Bath bomb, Candy Mountain Bubblebar, Dashing Santa Bath bomb, Christmas Eve Bubblebar)

Firstly, I'd like to let you all know that I have new camera, a DSLR camera to be precise (no more point and shoot) so the quality of the pictures has changed dramatically, I'm still figuring it out but I can already see a big difference! The lighting isn't great but it's to be expected in the winter. Anyway, just thought I'd let you all know incase you're wondering why my pictures are different.
On to the haul, I didn't pick up too many things because I had already purchased some Lush goodies a couple of months back and I wanted to try out some things I'd never seen or heard of before. Except for Candy Mountain, that is one of my favourites and I couldn't help but repurchase it.
The products that intrigued me the most were So White and Christmas Eve, I liked the way they looked and they sounded so adorable. They also smell amazing and would compliment each other well in a bath.
Lastly, I purchased Dashing Santa because you have to buy at least one Santa product during Christmas time (it's an unwritten rule) and it was just too cute to pass up. Not to mention it smells like sherbert!
 I haven't tried any of these products yet but I'm really excited to!

Have you bought any Lush products recently?
Thank you for stopping by!
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