My New Year's Resolutions

Monday 31 December 2012

Hello everyone! 2013 is almost upon us and in the spirit of the New Year, i've set myself 6 resolutions to complete and stick to.

1. Getting toned up
I've never been overweight or unhealthy but i feel as if my body is not as toned as it was a few years ago. So starting next year i'm going to have a fitness plan and will stick to it. I know i will feel better in myself for getting back into shape.

2. Eating healthy and cutting back
I do eat relatively healthy but i want to incorporate more fruit into my diet. I love fruit but never seem to eat enough of it. I'm going to eat atleast 4 pieces of fruit a day. I also want to drink more water and cut back on cups of tea (i drink way too much tea). However i'm not going to deprive myself of treats like chocolate and cake because i don't believe in those fad diets. Always eat in moderation!

3. Picking up more books
I have so many books i need to read but never seem to reach for them. I've decided that once a week i will have an evening without technology (my laptop and mobile phone) and just sit and read a book. I think it will be nice to just take a break and just relax.

4. Learning to drive and getting a car
I want to be passed and on the road in my own car before i go to university. I'm planning on passing by the summer time.

5. Getting a job
I've been job-hunting all this year with no luck (stupid recession) but i'm not giving up and hopefully i will have more success in 2013 (fingers crossed).

6. Being more confident and positive towards myself
I'm generally not a very negative person. I love helping people and try my best to look on the bright side of any situation. However i need to be more positive towards myself. I tend to give myself a hard time if i do or get something wrong, which doesn't help my self-confidence. But it's something i want to work on, i want to gain more confidence as a person. I know it will take time but hopefully in doing so it will help me experience new things and meet new people.

I hope you enjoyed this post!
What are your New Year's Resolutions?

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