The Reading Corner: I Hunt Killers

Sunday 30 June 2013

Hello everyone! I have a right page-turner for you all, which i have enjoyed reading immensely. 
If you love reading criminal, thriller, psychological type books then you'll probably love reading I Hunt Killers too!

The blurb says " You're seventeen years old and your father is the most notorious serial killer America has ever produced. He brought you up. Taught you everything he knows. Everyone in your ordinary American town knows who you are. So even though Dear Old Dad is safely behind bars, when the killing starts all over again, you are the first person the police come to see....They don't know whether it's nature or nurture. And neither do you..."
Sounds thrilling right? I have to admitted i did neglected this book after about half-way through because i got so caught up with revision, school work and exams that i just didn't have enough time to sit down and really enjoy the book. However, as soon as my exams ended i picked it back up and got stuck right back in. 
Even after taking a break from the book i still remembered almost all the story i'd previously read. As soon as i read one chapter, i wanted to read another and another until hours had passed. This book is truly gripping and thrilling!
Jasper (Jazz) the main character is complicated, an outsider and disconnected. However despite his upbringing and fears of becoming his father he manages to become the hero and save the day. Finding out who the serial killer was at the end truly surprised me, it definately wasn't the person i suspected. But i wont tell who it was, you're going to have to read the book to find out.

Have you read this book yet?
Thank you for stopping by!
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