The Reading Corner: Oh Dear Silvia

Sunday 17 November 2013

Hello everyone! I hope you're all well. I have another book review for you today, since taking a book with me to read on the bus to university with me I have been flying through them. I have currently finished Oh Dear Silvia by Dawn French which only took my about 3 days to finish.

This book follows the lives of 6 characters (Ed, Jo, Cat, Tia, Winnie and Cassie) who are all visiting Silvia who is in a coma in hospital. They all have their own harsh and sad stories within the book which you get to find out more about as you progress. My favourite character from the book is Winnie who is a nurse at the hospital and she cares for Silvia, she also has a very broad Jamaican accent which is fun to read throughout the book. 
A great thing about this book is Dawn French's amazing writing style which allows you to connect with each character in your own way, even with Silvia who doesn't speak at all throughout the book, yet her presence is always known.
I want to give so much away to all of you about this story because there is so much I want to say but I just can't! Or else I'd spoil it for all of you. You will have to read it for yourself to appreciate Dawn French's literary genius.
I hope Dawn French continues to write more novels in the future. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, it's highly addictive and always keeps you guessing.

What book are you reading at the moment?
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