Travel Essentials- The Bare Necessities

Friday 15 August 2014

Hello everyone! We're up to the penultimate post in my travel essentials series. I hope you've been enjoying them! 

 Original Source Vanilla and Raspberry Shower Gel

 Venus Pro Skin Razor

 Mitchum Advanced Solid Deodrant

 Listerine Total Care Mouthwash 

 BIC Soleil Shaving Gel

 Soap and Glory The Daily Smooth Body Butter

 Colgate Max Fresh Toothpaste

Colgate Toothbrush


 Imodium Instants, Asda Plasters, Ibuprofen, Dioralyte

Soltan Suncream

These are the products are things that I need to make me feel like a normal, functioning human being!
Essentially, it's my hygiene routine. With that being said I won't go into too much detail because you all know what these products are used for and how to use them.
However, I will share a few recommendations with you.
Firstly, always put a Steripod (can be purchased from Amazon ) on your toothbrush. They're an amazing invention. They clip around your toothbrush head, they not only protect the bristles in your suitcase but they also contain a compound that kills the bacteria on your toothbrush. I use these even when I'm not on holiday because the bathroom is not a very clean place, especially when toilet flushing is involved!
I also like to bring along medication, you never know if you might get food poisoning and it's better to treat it quickly rather than faffing at the local pharmacy when your abroad. Also bring a few plasters, just in case you get blisters or cut yourself, you just never know. If you have an allergies such as hay feverdon't forget those tablets too.
If you're going somewhere hot don't forget your sun protection. Preventing sun damage is better that treating it. 
Also bring along some wet wipes, for when you want to keep fresh down there. Trust me, you'll thank me later.   
I know this post was a bit short but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. 

Thank you for stopping by!
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter and Bloglovin' 

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