My Trip to Fuerteventura

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Hello everyone! I hope you're all well and I hope those of you who are back at school settled in okay. I've been absent from my blog for a little while because I spent a week in Fuerteventura with my wonderful boyfriend. It was so nice just to get away and relax for a while. 
This post is going to be very photo heavy because I wanted to share a few (more like a lot) snaps that I took during my time there. 

I did warn you that there was going to be a lot of pictures! These are condensed down as well! 
Firstly the large statue of a female warrior was the entrance to Baku Water park which was an amazing day, I love water slides! 
The main bulk of my photography skills were put to use at Oasis Park which is a nature park on the opposite end of the island (i was staying in Corralejo). I like going to animal parks/zoos because you get to see animals that you wouldn't normally see everyday but at the same time I feel sorry for them because they should be in the wild (double-ended sword?). I also got to feed lots of the animals there including the zebras, hippos, giraffes and elephants to name a few! It was an amazing experience, my boyfriend videoed me feeding them but I'm yet to get the footage from him!
The nature park also had a huge botanical garden filled with cacti and succulents, it reminded me of coral reef but without the water ( i know that sounds crazy, but just trust me) it was so big we ended up getting lost! 
The day before we were due to fly home we went on a mountain buggy tour. I look a bit of a mess but I was very windswept! It was such a fun day, my bum was sore though from all the rocks and bumps in the road. Also I have to give credit to the photographer who took the picture of us in the buggy, his pictures were fantastic quality! During the tour we stopped off at a cute little restaurant which had a little paddock filled with cute donkeys, one of them was fast asleep (too cute). 
The last bunch of photos were taken around the area we were staying in, our hotel was right next to the habour and you could see Los Lobas Island from our balcony! 

I hope you enjoyed this post, I had such a wonderful time on holiday and can't wait for my next one! 

Have you been on holiday recently?
Thank you for stopping by!
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