Spotty Skin Savior

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Hello everyone! Have you ever had one of those days where your skin clearly doesn't want you to look acceptable and you shouldn't venture outside at any cost? Yes, well I've been having a bad skin week! My skin has been breaking out constantly for a few weeks now, I think it's due to me stressing over my university exams that are coming up. Luckily, I've found a product that has been helping fight my pesky spots and clear my skin right up.

I've had the Good Things 3 In 1 Blemish Control Mask for a while and used it occasionally when I had a bad skin day but now that my skin is going crazy I use it 2-3 times a week and it has really helped my skin calm down.
I like the packaging of this product, it comes in a purple tube with dark purple writing which is much more fun than the usual white tubes of many other brands. 
When I first used this product I was very skeptical about how it was going to perform, when I put it on my face immediately started tingling like crazy! There was no burning sensation but it definately felt weird. If you have very sensitive skin be very cautious when using this mask as it may irritate your skin. After a few uses the tingling went away. I think the witch hazel was the culprit for causing the tingling sensation. 
The mask is a clear gel which  I found unusual, I've never used a clear mask before but I like the concept. You could use on a plane and it wouldn't be too noticeable. 
This mask contains witch hazel and willow bark (a natural source of salicylic acid) and these ingredients have been working wonders at reducing the size and redness of my spots. The day after I've used this mask there's a noticeable difference to my skin. 
This mask also smells very strongly of witch hazel, if you're not a fan of that scent you might not like this, but I think the results out weigh the scent. 
If you have oily, spot-prone skin I'd highly recommend giving this mask a go.
You can purchase this product from Boots for £4.99 .

What is your skincare savior?
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