NOTW: Barry M Limited Edition Nail Polish- Bikini

Sunday 29 June 2014

Hello everyone! I hope you're all well. Recently I was given a nail polish from Barry M that you got for free if you spent something like £7 or more on Barry M products. There was a choice of two colours a purple and a bright coral. Seeing as I don't have many purple polishes I would pick up another one to try out.

The polish looks blue in the top picture but I can assure you it's a bright purple (like the middle picture).
I wasn't sure if I was going to like this polish or not but I think it looks lovely with a tan. 
It applied smoothly, dried pretty quickly and was opaque with two coats. 
It lasted almost a whole week on my nails before it started to chip at the edges, which is the longest a nail polish has lasted on my nails. 
I also love the packaging, the cute love heart lid is adorable!
The only problem I have with this polish is the smell, it smelt disgusting! I can't even describe it but it definately didn't smell like nail polish that's for sure. 
However, I can get over the smell because the formula is amazing.
I would highly recommend piking one up next time your at the Barry M stand.

Have you tried the limited edition polish yet?
Thank you for stopping by!
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