NOTW: Rimmel 60 Seconds Nail Polish- Too Cool To Tango

Sunday 23 March 2014

Hello everyone! My nail polish obsession has recently took a U-turn back to bright, spring-like colours and the polish I'm about to share with you is no exception.

Firstly, I just want to apologise for the change in colour in the photos, the sun kept going in and out of the clouds when I took them (stupid British weather), the top picture shows the most realistic colour.
I bought this polish when I was in Boots buying a new moisturiser (review coming soon). I had my eye on it for a few weeks and finally decided to buy it because I don't have many blue nail polishes and it looked perfect for spring and summer.
The formula of the 60 second nail polish range is always amazing and consistent throughout the polishes. It applied evenly and was opaque with two coats.
It lasted around 5 days then I had some major chipping. But for £3.69 it's a bargain.
I can't wait now for Summer to roll around so I can wear some bright polishes.
This polish can be purchased from Boots .

What polish have you been wearing recently?
Thank you for stopping by!
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    1. Thank you! You're blog is lovely, I'm following you on bloglovin'.


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